CS001: VU-Computer Proficiency License
CS001 Course Content:
The contents of this course, CS001, are mentioned in the below list:
- Introduction to Computers Hardware, Input Devices Software Pointing Devices Storage. Security, Output, Internet Using the Computer Managing Files.
- Introduction Using Application Formatting Tables Preparing Outputs Mail Merge Spreadsheet Software.
- Introduction to Desktop Environment Organizing Files Print Management Word Processing.
- Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Move, Copy, or Delete the text Change Preset Animation Effect Internet Communication.
- Introduction to Web Navigation, Search Engines, Email Applications, Electronic Mail, and Mail Management.
- Introduction to Microsoft Excel Saving an Excel File Creating Complex Formula Sorting Data Presentation Software.
Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS001, is 3.
CS001 Handouts:
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CS101: Introduction to Computing
CS101 Course Content:
Introduction to Computing, Searching Techniques, History of Computing, Data Storage, Boolean Operation, Hexadecimal Notation, Main Memory, Mass Storage, Flash Drives, etc
CS101 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS101, is 3.
CS101, Handouts:
CS101 Past Papers:
CS101 Midterm Past Papers:
CS101 midterm past papers are available on the link: "CS101 Midterm Papers"
CS101 Final Term Past Papers:
CS101 final term past papers are available on the link: "CS101 Final term Papers"
CS101 Assignments:
CS101 Assignments are available on the link: "CS101 "
CS201: Introduction to Programming
CS201 Course Content:
Introduction to C Language with Expressions, Repetition Structures, Loops and Operators, Switch Statements, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Operators, Decisions, Strings, Structured Programming, Classes and Objects, Memory Allocation in C++, Friend Functions, Reference Data Type, Overloading Insertion and Extraction Operators, User Defined Manipulators, Copy Constructor & Assignment Operator, Stream Manipulation, Template Functions, Template Classes.
CS201 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS201, is 3.
CS201 Handouts:
CS201 Past Papers:
CS201 Midterm Past Papers:
CS201 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS201 Final Term Past Papers:
CS201 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS201 Assignments:
CS201 Assignments will be available soon.
CS301: Data Structures
CS301 Course Content:
Introduction to the Array data type, ADT, Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, AVL Trees, Huffman encoding, Sorting, etc.
CS301 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS301, is 3.
CS301 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the link "CS301 Handouts."
CS301 Midterm Past Papers:
CS301 midterm past papers are available on the link "CS301 MidTerm."
CS301 Final Term Past Papers:
CS301 Assignments:
CS301 Assignments are available on the link "CS301 Assignment."
CS302: Digital Logic Design
CS302 Course Content:
Introduction and Overview to Digital Logic, Number Systems, Number Systems Codes, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification, Memory, and Comparator. It also covers Odd-Prime Number Detector, Implementation of an Odd-Parity Generator Circuit, BCD Adder, 1 The 74XX138 3-to-8 Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, State Assignment, Shift Registers, Application of S-R Latch, Elevator Control System, Successive Approximation Analogue to Digital Converter.CS302 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS302, is 3.
CS302 Handouts:
CS302 Past Papers:
CS302 Midterm Past Papers:
CS302 Final Term Past Papers:
CS302 Assignments:
CS304: Object-Oriented Programming
CS304 Course Content:
- Introduction to OOP
- Starting to OOP
- Abstraction and Inheritance
- Introduction to Generalization and Specialization
- Object-Oriented Modeling
- Polymorphism in OO Model
- Introduction to Objects and Classes
- Constructors and Destructors
- New Operator, Getter, and Setter
- Composition, Aggregation, and Friend Functions
- Operator overloading, Inheritance
- Templates and Friends
- Generic Algorithms
- Cursors and Vectors
- Overriding
- Multiple Inheritance
- Diamond Problem
- Polymorphism
- Abstract and Concrete Classes
- Generic Programming
- Generic Algorithms
- Standard Template Library
- Iterators
- Techniques for Error Handling
CS304 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS304, is 3.
CS304 Handouts:
CS304 Past Papers:
CS304 Midterm Past Papers:
CS304 Final Term Past Papers:
CS304 Assignments:
CS311: Introduction to Web Services Development
CS311 Course Content:
- XML Schema
- XML on the Server
- XML on the Server Continued
- What is XML DOM?
- Loading an XML File
- Loading an XML String
- XML DOM Nodes
- Introduction to JAXP
- JAXP - Overview of Packages
- Simple API for XML - SAX API
- SAX API - Error Handling
- SAX Parser
- SAX API - Demo
- SAX API - Read UTF-8 File
- JDOM Parser
- JDOM API - Demo
- Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
- Servlet
- Create a Servlet
- Create the deployment descriptor (web.xml)
- Deploy the application in Tomcat
- JDBC Classes
- JDBC Driver
- URL Rewriting
- Web Services
- Java Web Services
CS311 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS311, is 3.
CS311 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the link "CS311 Handouts.."
CS311 Past Papers:
CS311 Midterm Past Papers:
CS311 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS311 Final Term Past Papers:
CS311 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS311 Assignments:
CS311 Assignments will be available soon.
CS312: Database Modeling and Design
CS312 Course Content:
- Definition of information
- Comparison of Data and Information
- Life with and without a Database
- Component of Database Management System
- Data Model Basics
- Flat File Basics
- Hierarchical Database Basics
- Network Database Basics
- Introduction of Three-Tier- Architecture
- Conceptual Level (Business Logic)
- Internal Level (Data Level)
- Roles in Database Management System
- Client Server Architecture etc
CS312 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS312, is 3.
CS312 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the link "CS312 Handouts.."
CS312 Past Papers:
CS312 Midterm Past Papers:
CS312 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS312 Final Term Past Papers:
CS312 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS312 Assignments:
CS312 Assignments will be available soon.
CS315: Network Security
CS315 Course Content:
- Definition Of Computer Security
- Challenges Of Network Security
- Security Attacks
- Security Mechanisms
- A Model For Network Security
- Basics Of Symmetric Encryption
- Cryptanalysis
- Feistel Cipher Structure
- Data Encryption Standard and Triple DES
- Advanced Encryption Standard
- The Use of Random Numbers for Security
- Pseudorandom Numbers
- Stream Cipher Structure
- The RC4 Algorithm
- Simple Hash Functions
- The Secure Hash Function
- Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
- Key Exchange and Man-in-the-Middle Attack
CS315 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS315, is 3.
CS315 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the link "CS315 Handouts.."
CS315 Past Papers:
CS315 Midterm Past Papers:
CS315 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS315 Final Term Past Papers:
CS315 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS315 Assignments:
CS315 Assignments will be available soon.
CS401: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
CS401 Course Content:
- Introduction to Assembly Languages
- Segmented Memory Model
- Data Declaration and Direct Addressing
- Indirect Addressing
- Addressing Modes
- Branching
- Unconditional jumps and relative addressing
- Bit Manipulations
- Multiplication in Assembly Language
- Bitwise Logical Operations and Masking Operations
- Subroutines
- Stack and its Operations
- Display Memory and Number Printing in Assembly
- Screen Location Calculation
- Clearing the Screen and String Printing
- Screen Scrolling and string Comparison
- Interrupts Handling
- BIOS and DOS Interrupts
- Hardware Interrupts
- Ports
- Interrupt Chaining and Terminate and Stay Resident
- Programmable Interval Timer and Parallel Port
- Debugger using single-step interrupt
- Concepts of Multitasking
- Multitasking Kernel as TSR
- Concepts of Multitasking-II
- Storage Access Using BIOS and DOS
- Device Drivers
- Serial port programming
- Protected Mode
- Code and Data Segment Descriptor
- 32bit Programming
- VESA Linear Frame Buffer
- Interrupt Handling
- Interfacing with High-level languages
- Comparison with other processors
CS401 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS401, is 3.
CS401 Handouts:
CS401 Past Papers:
CS401 Midterm Past Papers:
CS401 Final Term Past Papers:
CS401 final term past papers are available on the link "CS401 Final Term..
CS401 Assignments:
CS402: Theory of Automata
CS402 Course Content:
- Introduction to Languages and Computer Theory
- Kleene’s Star Closure
- Regular Expression
- Equivalent Regular Expressions
- Finite Automaton.
- Equivalent FAs
- FA corresponding to finite languages
- Transition Graph
- Generalized Transition Graphs
- Nondeterminism and Kleene’s Theorem
- Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
- NFA with Null String
- Moore machine
- Mealy machine
- Equivalent machines
- Finite Automata with Output
- Regular languages and Complement of a language
- Nonregular languages
- Pumping Lemma
- Pumping Lemma version II
- Context Free Grammar (CFG)
- Trees
- Polish Notation
- Regular Grammar
- Null Production
- Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
- A new format for FAs
- Nondeterministic PDA
- PDA corresponding to CFG
- Decidability and Parsing Techniques
- Turing machine
CS402 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS402, is 3.
CS402 Handouts:
CS402 Past Papers:
CS402 Midterm Past Papers:
CS402 Final Term Past Papers:
CS402 Assignments:
CS403: Database Management Systems
CS403 Course Content:
- Introduction to Database Management Systems
- Advantages of DBMS and its User
- Database Architecture
- Database Application Development Process
- Detailed Diagrams and Database Design
- Entity-Relationship Data Model
- Key and its different types
- Relationships
- Cardinality and Roles in Relationships
- Extended Entity Relationship Diagram
- Practice Session of ER Data Model
- Logical Database Design
- Relations Keys
- Cardinality Constraints
- Relational Algebra
- Joins
- Functional Dependency Normalization
- Data Volume and Usage Analysis
- Physical Records and Denormalization
- Partitioning, Replication, and Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Data Types and Rules of the Format
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language
- Insert and Select Statements
- Where Clause and Operators(Not, BETWEEN ,IN, Like)
- Order By Clause, Having Clause and Functions
- Hashing
- Indexes
- Views
- Transaction
- Database Recovery
- Concurrency Control
- Locking
CS403 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS403, is 3.
CS403 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the "CS403 Handouts."
CS403 Past Papers:
CS403 Midterm Past Papers:
CS403 Final Term Past Papers:
CS403 final term past papers are available on the link "CS403 Final Term.".
CS403 Assignments:
CS405: Database Programming using Oracle 11g
CS405 Course Content:
- Components of ERD
- Entity and Attributes
- Relationships, Optionality, and Cardinality
- One-to-Many, Many-to-Many and One-to-One Relationship
- Implementing ERD using Scenario
- Implementing Select Statement
- SQL and Where Clause
- Implementing Where Clause
- Wild Cards and its implementation
- Single Row Functions
- Implementing Group Functions
- Implementing Group By Clause
- Having Clause
- Order By Clause
- Implementing Joins, Self Join, and Subqueries
- PL/SQL Blocks and Executable
- Select INTO Syntax and implementation
- Implementing DML and SQL in PL/SQL
- PL/SQL and Sequence
- Implementing PL/SQL with Commit and Rollback
- Implementing IF-THEN statement
- Syntax of PL/SQL table
- Syntax of using PL/SQL table with attributes
- PL/SQL table and first and next attribute
- Implementing PL/SQL Table and SQL
- Debugging and Implementing the Procedure
- Procedure and Parameters
- Implementing IN/ OUT Parameter
- Dropping a Procedure
- Implementing IN/ OUT Parameter
- Functions
- Function vs. Procedure, etc.
CS405 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS405, is 3.
CS405 Handouts:
Handouts are available on the link "CS405 Handouts.."
CS405 Past Papers:
CS405 Midterm Past Papers:
CS405 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS405 Final Term Past Papers:
CS405 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS405 Assignments:
CS405 Assignments will be available soon.
CS407: Routing and Switching
CS407 Course Content:
- Introduction to Data Communications.
- Characteristics of a Data Communication System -1.
- Components of a Data Communication System.
- Data Representation and Data Flow. Networks.
- Physical Structures. Physical Topologies -1.
- Local Area Network.
- Wide Area Network.
- Switching.
- The Internet Internet History Internet Standards and Administration Protocol Layering - Introduction -1
- Protocol Layering - Introduction -2 Protocol Layering - Advantages and Disadvantages
CS407 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS407, is 3.
CS407 Handouts:
CS407 Past Papers:
CS407 Midterm Past Papers:
CS407 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS407 Final Term Past Papers:
CS407 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS407 Assignments:
CS407 Assignments will be available soon.
CS408: Human-Computer Interaction
CS408 Course Content:
- Introduction to HCI
- Goals and Evolution of HCI
- Discipline of HCI
- Cognitive Framework
- Human Input-Output Channels
- Cognitive Process
- The Psychology of Actions
- Design Principles
- The Computer
- Interaction Framework and Styles
- Interaction Paradigms
CS408 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS408, is 3.CS408 Handouts:
CS408 Past Papers:
CS408 Midterm Past Papers:
CS408 Final Term Past Papers:
CS408 Assignments:
CS410: Visual Programming
CS410 Course Content:
- N/A
CS410 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS410, is 3.CS410 Handouts:
CS410 Past Papers:
CS410 Midterm Past Papers:
CS410 Final Term Past Papers:
CS410 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS410 Assignments:
CS410 Assignments will be available soon.
CS411: Visual Programming
CS411 Course Content:
- Introduction & Administration
- Introduction to Events Event-Driven Programming
- Introduction to C#, Language Constructs
- Object Oriented Programming in C#
- Properties, Interfaces, and Indexers
- Delegates, C# Events, Exception Handling
- Attributes, Enums, Operator Overloading
- Reading and Writing XML
- Working with Files and Directories
- Introduction to WPF and XAML
- Property Elements, Type Converters, Markup Extensions, etc
CS411 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS411, is 3.
CS411 Handouts:
CS411 Past Papers:
CS411 Midterm Past Papers:
CS411 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS411 Final Term Past Papers:
CS411 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS411 Assignments:
CS411 Assignments will be available soon.
CS432: Network Modeling and Simulation
CS432 Course Content:
- What are NeMS, Modeling, and Intra-model relation
- Simulation Building Process
- Components of a Simulator
- Types of PETs and simulations
- Common simulation, etc.
CS432 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS432, is 3.
CS432 Handouts:
CS432 Past Papers:
CS432 Midterm Past Papers:
CS432 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS432 Final Term Past Papers:
CS432 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS432 Assignments:
CS432 Assignments will be available soon.
CS435:Cloud Computing
CS435 Course Content:
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Cloud Computing History and Background of Cloud Computing
- Basics of Computers, Data Communication and Computer Networking
- Advanced Topics of Computer Networks Virtualization
- Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- Benefits, Risks, Challenges, Roles, and Boundaries of Cloud Computing, etc.
CS435 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS435, is 3.
CS435 Handouts:
CS435 Past Papers:
CS435 Midterm Past Papers:
CS435 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS435 Final Term Past Papers:
CS435 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS435 Assignments:
CS435 Assignments will be available soon.
CS501 Advance Computer Architecture
CS501 Course Content:
- Introduction
- Instruction Set Architecture
- Measurement of performance and Introduction to SRC Processor ISA and Instruction Formats Reverse assembly and Description of SRC in RTL
- RTL Using Digital Logic Circuits Design Process for ISA of FALCON-A
- Description of FALCON-A and EAGLE using RTL
- FALCON-E and ISA Comparison
- CISC and RISC Architectures
- CPU Design
- CPU Logic Design and Control Signals Generation in SRC Control Unit
- Design Machine Reset and Machine Exceptions Pipelining
CS501 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS501, is 3.
CS501 Handouts:
CS501 Past Papers:
CS501 Midterm Past Papers:
CS501 Final Term Past Papers:
CS501 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS501 Assignments:
CS501 Assignments are available on the link "CS408 Assignment."
CS502 Fundamental Of Algorithms
CS502 Course Content:
- Introduction
- Model of computation
- Maxima Runtime analysis
- Sweep line algorithm and Asymptotic Notation
- merge sort Analysis of Merge Sort Solving recurrence relations
- Median selection
- binary heaps
- sorting Heap sort
- Analysis of quick sort etc
CS502 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS502, is 3.
CS502 Handouts:
CS502 Past Papers:
CS502 Midterm Past Papers:
CS502 Final Term Past Papers:
CS502 Assignments:
CS502 assignments are available on the link "CS502 Assignment."
CS504 Software Engineering I
CS504 Course Content:
- Introduction to Software Engineering
- Introduction to Software Development
- Requirements Engineering
- Relationship of Several components of Software Requirements
- Source Sink Analysis
- State Transition Diagrams
- Typical Processes Prototyping GUI Design
- Software Design
CS504 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS504, is 3.
CS504 Handouts:
CS504 Past Papers:
CS504 Midterm Past Papers:
CS504 Final Term Past Papers:
CS504 Assignments:
CS506 Web Design and Development
CS506 Course Content:
- Java Feature
- Java Virtual Machine Runtime Environment
- Basics Object Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Collection
- Intro to Exceptions Streams
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Java Database Connectivity
CS506 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS506, is 3.
CS506 Handouts:
CS506 Past Papers:
CS506 Midterm Past Papers:
CS506 Final Term Past Papers:
CS506 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS506 Assignments:
CS506 Assignments will be available soon
CS507 Information Systems
CS507 Course Content:
- Organization and Information Requirement Unique Attributes of Organization Effects of Changes in Environment System Vs. Procedures Types of System
- What are Systems Infrastructure Support System Online Analytical Processing CBIS from Functional View Point
CS507 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS507, is 3.
CS507 Handouts:
CS507 Past Papers:
CS507 Midterm Past Papers:
CS507 Final Term Past Papers:
CS507 Assignments:
CS507 Assignments will be available soon.
CS508 Modern Programming Languages
CS508 Course Content:
- Basic Introduction Language Evaluation Criterion
- Impact of Computer Architecture on Languages Design
- History of Programming languages
- History of Programming languages and Evolution
CS508 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS508, is 3.
CS508 Handouts:
CS508 Past Papers:
CS508 Midterm Past Papers:
CS508 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS508 Final Term Past Papers:
CS508 final term past papers will be< available soon.
CS508 Assignments:
CS508 Assignments will be available soon
CS601 Data Communication
CS601 Course Content:
- Introduction
- Characteristics of a Data Communication System
- Networks Physical Topologies Switching
- The Internet Protocol Layering TCP/IP Protocol Suite
- Encapsulation and Decapsulation
- The Open System Interconnection (OSI)
- Model Data Communication vs. Computer Networks
- Analog and Digital Signals Transmission of Digital Signals
CS601 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS601, is 3.
CS601 Handouts:
CS601 Past Papers:
CS601 Midterm Past Papers:
CS601 Final Term Past Papers:
CS601 Assignments:
CS601 Assignments will be available soon
CS602 Computer Graphics
CS602 Course Content:
- Graphics hardware.
- Fundamental algorithms.
- Applications of graphics.
- Interactive graphics programming graph plotting, windows and clipping, and segmentation.
- Programming raster display systems, panning, and zooming.
- Raster algorithms and software Scan-Converting lines, characters, and circles.
- Region filling and clipping.
- Two and three-dimensional imaging geometry and transformations.
- Curve and surface design, rendering, shading, color, and animation.
CS602 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS602, is 3.
CS602 Handouts:
CS602 Past Papers:
CS602 Midterm Past Papers:
CS602 Final Term Past Papers:
CS602 Assignments:
CS603 Software Architecture and Design
CS603 Course Content:
- Software Design
- Concepts Structured and Object-Oriented Design Strategies
- SOLID Design Principles Software Architecture Patterns and Design Patterns Code Smells Quality Attributes
- The Architecture Meta-Frame Architectural Structures and Styles, etc.
CS603 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS603, is 3.
CS603 Handouts:
CS603 Past Papers:
CS603 Midterm Past Papers:
CS603 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS603 Final Term Past Papers:
CS603 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS603 Assignments:
CS603 Assignments will be available soon
CS604 Operating Systems
CS604 Course Content:
- Introduction to Operating System
- Types of Operating Systems
- Components, Services, and Structures of the Operating System
- Introduction to Unix / Linux Interface Processes
- Process Management and Scheduling
- Inter-Process Communication
- Unix / Linux Inter-Process Communication Tools
- Input - Output in UNIX / Linux
- Use of FIFO Process Management in UNIX.
CS604 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS604, is 3.
CS604 Handouts:
CS604 Past Papers:
CS604 Midterm Past Papers:
CS604 Final Term Past Papers:
CS604 Assignments:
CS605 Software Engineering II
CS605 Course Content:
Introduction To software engineering Software life cycle models, Software project planning, scheduling, monitoring and management, Software quality factors, Risk analysis, management Software quality assurance and Software configuration management, etc.CS605 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS605, is 3.
CS605 Handouts:
CS605 Past Papers:
CS605 Midterm Past Papers:
CS605 Final Term Past Papers:
CS605 Assignments:
CS606 Compiler Construction
CS606 Course Content:
- Passes of a Compiler Lexical Analysis
- Specification of Tokens
- Recognition of Tokens
CS606 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS606, is 3.
CS606 Handouts:
CS606 Past Papers:
CS606 Midterm Past Papers:
CS606 Final Term Past Papers:
CS606 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS606 Assignments:
CS607 Artificial Intelligence
CS607 Course Content:
Introduction, History, and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving DFS, BFS, and Progressive Deepening Heuristically Informed Searches, Best First Search, Adversarial Search, Genetic Algorithm Problems, etc.CS607 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS607, is 3.
CS607 Handouts:
CS607 Past Papers:
CS607 Midterm Past Papers:
CS607 Final Term Past Papers:
CS607 Assignments:
CS609 System Programming
CS609 Course Content:
Windows Operating System, Windows Evolution, Windows Market Role Windows, Standards, and Open Systems Windows Principles 32-bit and 64-bit Source Code Portability, etc.CS609 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS609, is 3.
CS609 Handouts:
CS609 Past Papers:
CS609 Midterm Past Papers:
CS609 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS609 Final Term Past Papers:
CS609 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS609 Assignments:
CS610 Computer Networks
CS610 Course Content:
Introduction Motivation and Tools Overview of Data Communication Packets, Frames and Error Detection Byte Stuffing Routing Algorithms Connection-Oriented Networking and ATM IP Subnetting Network Address Translation (NAT) IP Routing, etc.CS610 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS610, is 3.
CS610 Handouts:
CS610 Past Papers:
CS610 Midterm Past Papers:
CS610 Final Term Past Papers:
CS610 Assignments:
CS611 Software Quality Engineering
CS611 Course Content:
Quality Engineering Basics Roles and Responsibilities Functionality, Usability, Efficiency, Maintainability, Portability and Reliability Defect Prevention Level of Risks, etc.CS611 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS611, is 3.
CS611 Handouts:
CS611 Past Papers:
CS611 Midterm Past Papers:
CS611 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS611 Final Term Past Papers:
CS611 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS611 Assignments:
CS611 Assignments will be available soon
CS614 Data Warehousing
CS614 Course Content:
Introduction, Overview of Normalization and De-Normalization, De-Normalization Techniques, Issues of De-Normalization, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), Relational OLAP (ROLAP), Dimensional Modeling (DM), Process of Dimensional Modeling, Issues of Dimensional Modeling, Extract Transform Load (ETL), etc.CS614 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS614, is 3.
CS614 Handouts:
CS614 Past Papers:
CS614 Midterm Past Papers:
CS614 Final Term Past Papers:
CS614 Assignments:
CS615 Software Project Management
CS615 Course Content:
Introduction, Fundamentals Software Development Fundamentals, Management Fundamentals Processes Planning Organization Estimation, etc.CS615 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS615, is 3.
CS615 Handouts:
CS615 Past Papers:
CS615 Midterm Past Papers:
CS615 Final Term Past Papers:
CS615 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS615 Assignments:
CS701 Theory of Computation
CS701 Course Content:
Introduction to Theory of Computation and Overview of the Course, Set Theory, Sets, Sequences, tuples, Functions, Relations and Graphs, Turing Machine and Its Language, Polynomial Time Verifiers, Subset Sum Problem, Satisfiability, NP-Completeness, 3-Color, The Cook-Levin Theorem, etc.CS701 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS701, is 3.
CS701 Handouts:
CS701 Past Papers:
CS701 Midterm Past Papers:
CS701 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS701 Final Term Past Papers:
CS701 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS701 Assignments:
CS702 Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
CS702 Course Content:
Introduction, Mathematical Tools, Logic and Proving Techniques, Proofs, Validation, Verification, Strong Math. Induction, Fibonacci Sequences, Recurrence Relations: Mathematical Models, Analysis Techniques, etc.CS702 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS702, is 3.
CS702 Handouts:
CS702 Past Papers:
CS702 Midterm Past Papers:
CS702 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS702 Final Term Past Papers:
CS702 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS702 Assignments:
CS703 Advanced Operating Systems
CS703 Course Content:
Introduction, Issues invoke the design of Operating Systems, Major Components, Structure and Internal Architecture of an OS, Monolithic vs. Micro-kernel, and Linking and Loading Anatomy of a Process. It also covers Static, Dynamic, and Shared l, libraries, Processes; address Space; Context Switching, Process Management Models, Process Management Models, State Machines; PCB; System Calls for Process Management, fork() Examples, Zombies, wait and wait PID system calls, Concurrency, Threads, etc.CS703 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS703, is 3.
CS703 Handouts:
CS703 Past Papers:
CS703 Midterm Past Papers:
CS703 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS703 Final Term Past Papers:
CS703 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS703 Assignments:
CS703 Assignments will be available soon
CS704 Advanced Computer Architecture-II
CS704 Course Content:
History and Introduction, Quantitative Principles, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), Computer Hardware Design, Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP), ILP (Static Scheduling), etc.CS704 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS704, is 3.
CS704 Handouts:
CS704 Past Papers:
CS704 Midterm Past Papers:
CS704 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS704 Final Term Past Papers:
CS704 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS704 Assignments:
CS704 Assignments will be available soon
CS706 Software Quality Assurance
CS706 Course Content:
Introduction to Software Quality, Software Defects, Reasons for Poor Quality, Quality Laggards, Project Management Approaches, Cost, and Economics of SQA. It also covers Quality Measurements, Software Requirements and SQA, Requirements Defects, Writing Quality Requirements, Quality Attributes of Requirements Documents, etc.CS706 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS706, is 3.
CS706 Handouts:
CS706 Past Papers:
CS706 Midterm Past Papers:
CS706 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS706 Final Term Past Papers:
CS706 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS706 Assignments:
CS706 Assignments will be available soon
CS707 Network Security
CS707 Course Content:
Introduction to Classical Cryptography, The Threat Environment, Basic Security Terminology, The Tjx Data Breach, Employee and Ex-Employee (Insider) Threats. It also covers Traditional External Attackers, Classic Viruses and Worms, Trojan Horses and Rootkits, Other Malware Attacks, Hackers, Social Engineering used by Hackers, etc.CS707 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS707, is 3.
CS707 Handouts:
CS707 Past Papers:
CS707 Midterm Past Papers:
CS707 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS707 Final Term Past Papers:
CS707 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS707 Assignments:
CS707 Assignments will be available soon
CS708 Software Requirement Engineering
CS708 Course Content:
Software Requirements, Kinds of Software Requirements, view of requirements, Processes and Process Models, Requirements Engineering Process, etc.CS708 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS708, is 3.
CS708 Handouts:
CS708 Past Papers:
CS708 Midterm Past Papers:
CS708 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS708 Final Term Past Papers:
CS708 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS708 Assignments:
CS708 Assignments will be available soon
CS709 Formal Methods for Software Engineering
CS709 Course Content:
Introduction to Formal Methods, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Implications, equivalences, Model Building Tools, Propositional and Predicate Calculus, Logic and Set Theory, Properties of Equivalence, Logic, and Proposition, Introduction to Hoare's Logic, etc.CS709 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS709, is 3.
CS709 Handouts:
CS709 Past Papers:
CS709 Midterm Past Papers:
CS709 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS709 Final Term Past Papers:
CS709 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS709 Assignments:
CS709 Assignments will be available soon
CS710 Mobile and Pervasive Computing
CS710 Course Content:
Introduction to Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Composition of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Software Development Aspects, Hardware Platforms, Operating Systems for Smartphones and Symbian. It also covers Crash Course on Operating Systems, Symbian Design Patterns, Symbian OS Models, Symbian - Architecture, etc.CS710 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS710, is 3.
CS710 Handouts:
CS710 Past Papers:
CS710 Midterm Past Papers:
CS710 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS710 Final Term Past Papers:
CS710 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS710 Assignments:
CS710 Assignments will be available soon
CS711 Software Design
CS711 Course Content:
Introduction, Software Processes, Software Processes (Agile Methods), Software Design Basics, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Introduction to Software Design, Software Design Components, etc.CS711 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS711, is 3.
CS711 Handouts:
CS711 Past Papers:
CS711 Midterm Past Papers:
CS711 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS711 Final Term Past Papers:
CS711 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS711 Assignments:
CS711 Assignments will be available soon
CS712 Distributed DBMS
CS712 Course Content:
Introduction to Distributed Database Systems, Definition of Distributed Database Systems, Compulsory Parts, Characteristics, Objectives, Resembling Setups, Reasons for DDBS, and Promises of DDBMS. The concept and role of the transaction in distributed computing, Background of RDBMS, Relational Data Model, Keys, Tables, Normalization, Relational Data Languages, etc.CS712 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS712, is 3.
CS712 Handouts:
CS712 Past Papers:
CS712 Midterm Past Papers:
CS712 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS712 Final Term Past Papers:
CS712 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS712 Assignments:
CS713 Object Oriented DBMS
CS713 Course Content:
CS713 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS713, is 3.
CS713 Handouts:
Handouts will be available soon
CS713 Past Papers:
CS713 Midterm Past Papers:
CS713 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS713 Final Term Past Papers:
CS713 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS713 Assignments:
CS713 Assignments will be available soon
CS716 Advanced Computer Networks
CS716 Course Content:
Objectives, Basics, and Introduction of Computer Networks, Multiplexing, IPC, Performance Metrices, Network Architecture, OSI Layers, Internet Architecture, Network API, Socket Programming, Client Server Prog., TCP, UDP, Socket Programming, Layer Architecture, Point-to-point Links, Encoding, Modulation Techniques, Encoding, HDLC, SONET, Error Detection, etc.CS716 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS716, is 3.
CS716 Handouts:
CS716 Past Papers:
CS716 Midterm Past Papers:
CS716 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS716 Final Term Past Papers:
CS716 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS716 Assignments:
CS718 Wireless Networks
CS718 Course Content:
Introduction to Wireless Networks, Wireless Transmission, Introduction to Wireless Communication, Error Detecting and Correcting Techniques, Multiple Access Techniques, etc.CS718 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS718, is 3.
CS718 Handouts:
CS718 Past Papers:
CS718 Midterm Past Papers:
CS718 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS718 Final Term Past Papers:
CS718 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS718 Assignments:
CS721 Network Performance Evaluation
CS721 Course Content:
Introduction to Network Performance Evaluation (NPE), Science of NPE, Common NPE Errors, NPE Performance Metrics & Techniques, Introduction to Statistics, Summarizing Measured Data, Sampling a Population, Hypothesis testing, etc.CS721 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS721, is 3.
CS721 Handouts:
Handouts will be available soon
CS721 Past Papers:
CS721 Midterm Past Papers:
CS721 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS721 Final Term Past Papers:
CS721 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS721 Assignments:
CS721 Assignments will be available soon
CS723 Probability and Stochastic Processes
CS723 Course Content:
Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes, Set Theory, Relations, Functions, Probability, Probability; Experiments: Repeated, Dependent, Cascaded, Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Interesting Events, Total Probability, Combinatorics, Birthday Problem, Bayes Rule, etc.CS723 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS723, is 3.
CS723 Handouts:
CS723 Past Papers:
CS723 Midterm Past Papers:
CS723 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS723 Final Term Past Papers:
CS723 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS723 Assignments:
CS724 Software Process Improvement
CS724 Course Content:
Introduction to Process Models, Software Quality Assurance, Configuration Management, Project Planning, Process Modeling Techniques Application of ETVX, etc.CS724 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS724, is 3.
CS724 Handouts:
CS724 Past Papers:
CS724 Midterm Past Papers:
CS724 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS724 Final Term Past Papers:
CS724 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS724 Assignments:
CS724 Assignments will be available soon
CS725 Data Mining
CS725 Course Content:
- Why Data Mining?
- What Is Data Mining?
- A Multi-Dimensional View of Data Mining
- What Kind of Data Can Be Mined?
- Are all Patterns interesting?
- What Technology Are Used?
- What KindKindsApplications Are Targeted? Major Issues in Data Mining
CS725 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS725, is 3.
CS725 Handouts:
Handouts will be available soon
CS725 Past Papers:
CS725 Midterm Past Papers:
CS725 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS725 Final Term Past Papers:
CS725 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS725 Assignments:
CS725 Assignments will be available soon
CS726 Information Retrieval Techniques
CS726 Course Content:
- Introduction
- Information Retrieval Models
- Boolean Retrieval Model
- Boolean Retrieval Model Rank Retrieval Model
- Vector Space Retrieval Model
- TF-IDF Weighting
- Document Representation in Vector Space
- Query Representation in Vector Space
- Similarity Measures
- Cosine Similarity Measure
- Parsing Documents, etc.
CS726 Credit Hours:
Credit hours for this course, CS726, is 3.
CS726 Handouts:
CS726 Past Papers:
CS726 Midterm Past Papers:
CS726 midterm past papers will be available soon.
CS726 Final Term Past Papers:
CS726 final term past papers will be available soon.
CS726 Assignments:
CS726 Assignments will be available soon.
For more handouts, past papers, Assignments solutions, and midterm and final term solved papers, please check below links:
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